Here’s a table detailing the sensory information classes, whether they require reading or writing, the best connection method, target brain region or nerve, required number of electrodes, and the frequency (Hz) needed to achieve a hyperrealistic experience.

Sensory Class Read/Write Best Connection Method Target Brain Region/Nerve Electrodes Required Frequency (Hz)
Visual Write Inside Brain Visual Cortex (Occipital Lobe) 1,000+ 70-100 Hz
Auditory Write Nerve (Surface) Auditory Nerve / Primary Auditory Cortex 200-500 20-20,000 Hz
Somatosensory Both Inside Brain Somatosensory Cortex (Parietal Lobe) 500-1,000 200-500 Hz
Mimicry (Facial) Write Nerve (Surface) Facial Nerve / Motor Cortex 50-100 1-10 Hz
Motor (Limb Movement) Write Inside Brain Motor Cortex (Frontal Lobe) 200-500 200-300 Hz
Proprioception Both Inside Brain Posterior Parietal Cortex 200-500 100-200 Hz
Vestibular (Balance) Both Inside Brain Vestibular Nuclei / Temporal Lobe 100-200 50-100 Hz
Olfactory Write Inside Brain Olfactory Bulb / Temporal Lobe 100-200 20-40 Hz
Gustatory (Taste) Write Inside Brain Gustatory Cortex (Insular Cortex) 100-200 20-40 Hz
Pain (Nociception) Both Inside Brain Thalamus / Anterior Cingulate Cortex 200-400 10-100 Hz
Emotion/Affective Write Inside Brain Amygdala / Prefrontal Cortex 100-200 10-50 Hz
Temperature Both Inside Brain Hypothalamus / Somatosensory Cortex 100-200 20-50 Hz
Cardiorespiratory Both Inside Brain Brainstem (Medulla Oblongata) 50-100 1-2 Hz

Key Notes: